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Upbeat Beauties


Hey girl, what's up? Can you meet me halfway right at the borderline? (The Black Eyed Peas, 2009)

In the borderlands it's like in a dream, you can put the Unreal above the Real and believe in the Unreal as the Real. Hey girl, let's meet halfway in a place where everything seems possible.

Where am I looking? Where is the camera? And who is the subject? Am I not just standing next to it - next to myself - and merely observing? Photography is not self-assurance by confirming ideas of reality, but photography leads to a new place and to new insights. One wonders: Did everything really look like this image? Does it represent reality? Or is there more than one reality?

Exhibition 18. June - 22. June 2024

The Great Adam Brody, Talstrasse 9, Zürich 1

Herzliche Einladung zur Ausstellung «short notice» des POOL Collective

Wir freuen uns, euch herzlich zur Vernissage der Ausstellung «short notice» des POOL Collective einzuladen. Die Veranstaltung findet am 18. Juni 2024 um 18 Uhr in der Talstrasse 9 in 8001 Zürich statt.
Die Ausstellung präsentiert Arbeiten von Fotografinnen und Fotografen des POOL Collective:
Bogdan Balaceanu, Diego Brambilla, Rob Drelich, Johanna Encrantz, Marco Frauchiger, Isabella Joss,

Mali Lazell, Franziska Martin, Clara Neugebauer, Sandra Stein, Lea Della Zassa, Marina Woodtli und Anja Wurm. Die Ausstellung ist täglich vom 19. bis 23. Juni 2024 von 10 bis 18 Uhr geöffnet.
Wir freuen uns auf euer Kommen.
Das POOL Collective


© 2025 – Johanna Encrantz

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